History of Capitan Sarmiento


Linked to the indigenous populations of the area -Cahuané-, then to the Spanish conquest, and later to the laying of railroad tracks, the town of Capitán Sarmiento was founded in 1882.

The name given to the station, Capitán Sarmiento, was presented as a tribute to Domingo Fidel Sarmiento (Dominguito), adopted son of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, who died as Captain in the Battle of Curupaytí, in 1866, during the War of the Triple Alliance.

The creation of the Partido Capitán Sarmiento was established in 1961 with land belonging until then to the district of Bartolomé Mitre, today Arrecifes.

The year 1889 also marks an important step taken by members of the Italian community, who decided to unite and found a Mutual Aid Society that is identified to this day as the Italian Mutual Aid Society “Intangible Rome”. That of the Spanish (1891) and the French (1896) soon followed.
